At Pertemps,
The average salary for:

Information Compliance Officer
for a Permanent role is

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Entrants typically possess a degree or an equivalent qualification. Entry is also possible by internal promotion for those with appropriate experience. Training is often provided on-the-job in the form of short courses for specialist areas.


  • Coordinates the organisation’s services and resources, liaising with other senior staff.
  • Analyses internal processes and systems, recommends and implements procedural and policy changes.
  • Recruits and manages staff, assigns and delegates tasks and duties, makes changes in procedures to deal with variations in workload.
  • Develops plans, sets objectives and monitors and evaluates performance.
  • Prepares and reviews operational and financial reports.
  • Controls and administers budgets.
  • Advises national and local government on the interpretation and implementation of policy decisions, acts and regulations, and provides technical assistance in the formulation of policy.
  • Co-ordinates and directs the activities of Revenue and Customs offices, Job Centres, Benefits Agency offices and other local offices of national government.
  • Registers and maintains records of all births, deaths and marriages in local authority area, issues appropriate certificates and reports any suspicious causes of death to the coroner..
  • Negotiates and monitors contracted out services provided by the private sector to local government studies and acts upon any legislation that may affect the local authority.

Salaries from this search have been calculated using current and historical roles, which have been advertised with Pertemps in the last 2 years. Data is updated in real time as jobs are posted, and the search results calculate averages of all job posts that fit the role category.

Salary comparison results are intended as a rough guide only. Actual salaries may vary based on qualifications, experience, location and company type. Salary figures do not include bonuses or benefits.

We do not collect your salary information, this is only used for the page to provide you with enhanced information. Weekly pay is calculated by dividing the annual salary by 48 working weeks.

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